Kickstart Spotlight: Barry Karnowski

Today we’re putting a spotlight on our Senior CG Supervisor, Barry!

Can you think of a particular piece of media that inspired you to become an artist?

I always liked comic books and cartoons as a kid although I never really knew why. Later in life I realized that the appeal of comic books was that they tell a story. They are almost completely visual. I never "read" them as a kid. A picture is worth a thousand words.

What do you most want to improve in your work?

I wish I could spend more time on my work. I'm usually pretty anxious to get my creations out and visible to someone. I don't have the discipline to keep working on something until it's perfect.

Can you think of a particular moment when you realized you wanted to be an animation artist?

It was definitely seeing Toy Story. I was 12 when it first came out. I was very fascinated by the look and tools that they used to create it. In grade 9 I took a computer drafting course and ended up finishing my assignments early. My teacher told me to look at the other software we had at the school and I ended up finding a DOS version of 3D Studio. I fell in love right there and getting into this industry in some form was my ambition from that moment on.

What is the highlight of your career so far?

I don't have one job or show that I worked on that has been a highlight specifically. It has been more of a realization of how lucky I am to be in this industry. I have had the ability to grow my skills and to be of value. I am so fortunate to have all of these amazing people that I get to work with every day. They surprise and impress me with their skill and general awesomeness. Working with great artists and truly awesome people is what I strive for.

What are you trying to improve in your work?

I'm trying to be a better leader and manager. I was never trained in how to lead a team. More recently in my career I feel I have found my stride in this area. I find It's in the day to day moments working through situations and doing the work. Being proud of the work you are doing. Having a team that works together and gels well is very important to me. I have been fortunate to build and surround myself with teams who align themselves with the same strong professional goals.

What’s your idea of a perfect Sunday?

I love a day of nothing to do but hanging around with the kids outside. Most of our perfect Sunday's come in the summer when the whole family is together and often camping in our amazing province. Or when I'm by my humming birds.

What is your most memorable non-animation job?

I don't have vast work experience, I was lucky to get into this industry when I was in my early 20's. The job I think about the most was when I was working for Burger King. I learned so much about people and how to break through some of my personal barriers working there.

You’re stuck on a desert island with a laptop and a USB stick containing the entirety of one cartoon - what show is it?

I'm a big fan of The Real Ghostbusters. I haven't watched through the entire series in forever so I think that'd tide me over for quite a while.


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