Artist Spotlight: Angela Cheng

Hi there, Angela here! I was born in the States but mostly grew up in Calgary and then moved around a lot throughout my adult life. Although I've always aimed to be an animator since I was a child, I somehow ended up working as a paralegal in the States for a bit before I started working in the animation industry. That job made me realize I wasn't ready to give up on my childhood dream. So I upped and moved back to Vancouver to attend Capilano's 2D animation program and was then able to land my first animation gig in 2019. Super lucky to be able to pursue my dream career! Aside from arting, I love to exercise and participate in various sports throughout the year (currently into Brazilian jiu-jitsu). I also enjoy studying Japanese for fun and would love to live there short-term in the near future.

Can you think of a particular piece of media that inspired you to become an artist?

I was exposed to a lot of Japanese media, particularly anime and manga growing up and I was always fascinated by their language, culture and of course, the art. That had a huge impact on my decision to become an artist.

What do you most want to improve in your work?

Dynamic posing with extreme perspective! They always look so cool and I wish I could do more of that kind of animation but it's quite challenging to say the least.

What is your favourite 2-3 colour combination?
Red and black are my all time favourite colours but in terms of colour combination, I love white and grey with an accented colour like salmon or mint green.

Can you think of a particular moment when you realized you wanted to be an animation artist?
I decided to become an animator when I was in grade 8. I don't remember exactly what happened but I just suddenly decided that it was going to be my career and have strived for it ever since then.

What is the highlight of your career so far?
I'm still pretty early into my career so just trying to keep up!

What are you trying to improve in your work?

To command Maya at my fingertips haha. I tend to struggle with the software more than anything so if I can get around that I'd be more efficient at animating.

What’s your idea of a perfect Sunday?
Hmmm, probably a ball hockey game in the morning followed by a few Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes, then have a nice hearty late lunch with friends. A bike ride around town might be fun and finish off with a good movie while I tuck into a nice portion of creme brûlée with a cup of herbal tea.

What is your most memorable non-animation job?

I used to be a paralegal in the States and there were many, and I mean MANY The Office-like moments. One standout moment was when I biked to work one time and I had forgotten to bring a change of clothes so I had to improvise on a business casual work outfit. The best I could do was a blanket for a long skirt to cover my bike shorts, and a denim jacket my coworker had lent me to cover my fast-dry top. I looked ridiculous to say the least but I was able to get through the day without having been called into the HR office. Thank god.

You’re stuck on a desert island with a laptop and a USB stick containing the entirety of one cartoon - what show is it?
Wow, that's a very specific situation haha. My all time favourite show that I can watch on repeat forever is a tie between Natsume Yuujinchou and Oofurikabutte (The Big Windup).

Check out more of Angela on her website! Follow along to stay updated on her art!


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